Irving Fisher
- 网络费雪;欧文·费雪;费舍尔;欧文费雪;欧文.费雪

Irving Fisher then told that story as an illustration of how poorly the understanding was of what was going on .
There 's a famous story about Irving Fisher who was a professor here at Yale who remarking on how few people understand the gold standard .
I wanted to talk about the theory of interest as presented by Professor Irving Fisher at Yale , who is famous for having exposited that .
The result can be the debt deflation , described by the American economist , Irving Fisher , in 1933 and experienced by Japan in the 1990s .
In his debt-deflation theory , the US economist Irving Fisher explained a truly toxic mechanism that has some potential implications for our own post-subprime world .
A deadly mix of falling prices and high leverage could foment a " debt-deflation " of the type first described by Irving Fisher , an American economist , in1933 .
This influence is mainly reflected by John Stuart Mill , Jevons , Irving Fisher who inherited and developed the economic philosophy of Jeremy Bentham . Their economic philosophy have both connections and differences .
Irving Fisher , the great neoclassical economist whose 1930s work has been rediscovered during this crisis , even wrote his doctoral thesis at the turn of the 20th century under the supervision of a physicist .